Here is our catalog of services. For work not listed here, we use typical industry rates, or our shop labor rate of $60/hour.
*Parts are charged separately.
This service is typically what we’d do to a bike before putting it back into use after being stored for the winter. We highly recommend this service for any new bike purchase, when the retailer did not do this before you take it home. A tune-up includes the following services:
- Complete safety inspection
- Minor wheel truing
- Adjust front and rear brakes
- Adjust derailleurs and shifting
- Clean and lubricate chain
- Adjust hubs, bottom bracket, and headset bearings
- Air up tires
Prices: $40 for a single speed bike, $60 for a multi-speed bike, and $80 for tandems or trikes.
For an overhaul, we do everything we do for a tune up. In addition, we do the following services:
- Detailed cleaning of chain, chainrings, cassette, and derailleurs
- If able to be serviced, rebuild headset, bottom bracket, and hubs
- Re-lubricate and reassemble drive train
Prices: $50 for a child’s single speed bike, $115 for an adult single speed bike, $135 for a multi-speed bike, and $155 for tandems or trikes
Individual Services
Do you only need us to do one job? Here’s what we can do for you:
- Install tire/tube – $10
- Replace control cable and housing – $15
- Adjust rim brakes – $10 per wheel
- Replace rim brake pads – $15 per wheel
- Replace disc brake pads – $15 per wheel
- Adjust mechanical disk brake – $15
- Adjust derailleur – $10
- Minor wheel truing (off bike) – $15 per wheel
- True disc brake rotor – $10
- Build wheel – $50
- Replace spokes – $20
- Adjust hub, headset, or bottom bracket – $10
- Overhaul hub, headset, or bottom bracket – $20
- Replace chain – $5
- Clean drivetrain (chain, rings, cassette) – $30
- Replace cassette/freewheel – $10
- Replace cartridge bottom bracket – $20
- Install pedals – $5
- Install handlebar tape – $15
Bike Assembly
Did you just get your new bike from the internet in a box? What is in the box, the bike or the internet? We can put that bike together for you properly, and give you a basic fitting for your new bike. Here’s what we do:
- Attach stem and handlebar
- True and attach wheels
- Adjust hubs
- Route control cables
- Adjust shifting and brakes
- Lubricate moving parts as needed
- Safety check
- Basic bike fit
Price: $40 for juvenile bikes, $70 for adult most adult bikes.
Custom Builds
This service is a complete bike build, from a bare frame.
Price: $220
We support cycling events by making our mobile service shop available for your event. The three main local events we routinely support are: The Seattle to Portland Classic, from the Olequa Senior Center in Winlock, the Ride the Willapa, from the Willapa Hills Farm, and the Lewis County Historical ride.